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Welcome to Five things Friday

FTF is a short weekly dose of inspiration; this email capture 5 things I come across in my startup journey.

Benjemen Elengovan
Benjemen Elengovan
3 min read
Welcome to Five things Friday
Photo by Clark Tibbs / Unsplash

Hey 👋🏼

Thanks for your interest to join 'Five Things Friday' (aka FTF).  FTF is a short weekly dose of inspiration; this email captures five things I encounter in my startup journey.

This includes, the books I read, blogs, podcasts, favourite productivity hack, startup strategy, quote I'm pondering, smart tools and stories. I hope you will find this useful

6 August 2021

New tech tool I am enjoying -

Hard to pick 🤔, I have been trying a few tools recently. The one I ❤️ at the moment is Notion - an All-in-one workspace. I use Notion for everything from workspace management to personal note keeping. My entire startup operations (including agile product development, project management, marketing team task management, stakeholder reporting and more..) are captured and managed through Notion.

How much do you pay Benje? - I started with a free account, but now I upgraded to PersonalPro ($4/month).

Secret Tip 🤫 - Though I have 10+ team members, There are all added as a guest under my plan. So I get to do my workplace management for $4/month

Are you finding your purpose?

I stumbled upon the concept of Ikigai a few years back, and it changed the way I looked at life and redefined my purpose. I have always been ambitious and hungry to do something but lacked clarity.  Assessing my 'reason for being' through this concept helped me identify my core values and determine how to help others.

Excellent post - How to find your Ikigai and transform your outlook on Life and Business

Tip 💡 - This is not a one-time exercise, you need to recalibrate your 'Ikigai' when life's circumstances changes around you.

Podcast I like listening 🎙

I have been a long-time listener of the podcast - How I built this with Guy Raz. This is a great podcast where you can hear from amazing founders, innovators and idealists. The only minor drawback is that the episodes' duration can vary between 20 mins to 1hr 30 mins.

Tip 💡 - Since these days we don't travel long distance, you can alternatively, listen to the podcast while having a good shower or taking a walk or where you have been asked to wait (airports, GPs clinics - you get it 🤩)

What I'm reading at the moment 📖

Before I tell you what I'm reading, I wanted to share a book that I read earlier this year that has changed my life for good - Indistractable from Nir Eyal. This book is a short and excellent book that teaches how to be 'Indistractable', providing tools, techniques and strategies to plan a highly productive day, achieving an outstanding balance between work, family and friends.

Tip 💡 - I like the hardcover as you would need to do exercise (from printable materials)

Grab a copy here 👇

Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life

Quote, I'm pondering 📖

It is better to live your destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection - Bhagavad Gita 3.35

Photo by Alex Iby / Unsplash

The book I am currently reading is a different genre - Think like a Monk by Jay Shetty.

Think Like a Monk: How to Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Everyday

Well, that's the end of my first FTF email. I hope you like it

Please share it with your friends and family loved ones. Keep the knowledge flowing 🤩


Benjemen Elengovan

Startup Addict | Founder & CEO of MyGigsters | Tech Enthusiast | ClubHouse @benjemen and Podcast Host


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